Deep Tissue Massage

Deep massage (deep tissue massage) is not a relaxing treatment - on the contrary - its purpose is to increase the mobility of our tissues, and yet this treatment does not cause discomfort or pain for the patient.

Deep tissue massage: what is it about?

The masseur makes movements with the elbows, forearms and fingers, except for the thumbs. The actions are performed at an oblique angle - the pressure on the tissue at an angle close to 45 degrees stretches it but does not compress it. The masseur works on the tendons and muscle bellies, softening and stretching them. The person performing deep tissue massage constantly observes the state of their tension, choosing the strength and type of movements to the reaction of a particular patient's body.

Deep tissue massage: indications and contraindications

Deep tissue massage is to relax muscle and fascia tension, reduce pain - especially in the area of the spine, increase the mobility and flexibility of tissues, and allow the patient to adopt the correct posture. Therefore, the indications for deep massage are posture defects, pain in the muscles or sciatica and shoulder pain. Thanks to the massage of deep tissues, they regenerate faster and the body has better blood supply. Through deep massage, you can also cope with spinal pain and vertigo. This type of massage is used even in the case of bruises, sprains and sprains that cause pain in the limbs. Deep tissue massage also affects the patient's psyche, although this is not its main task - the treatment itself is not relaxing, but after it you can feel more relaxed.